Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Aaaah! No TV!

So, after Celebrity Aprrentice last Thursday, we turned off our TV. (C'mon we had to see who won! It's like going to Taco Bell at midnight befrore Fast Sunday. ) We decided to see what our lives would be like for a week with no TV. After going through a few withdrawl sysmptoms, it has actually been ok. We talk to each other more, get more stuff done even read our scriptures! Now, I'm not saying that TV is bad, but I am saying that tonight after work instead of plopping down in front of the TV, I actually went for a walk! Crazy, I know.

Other than that , life has been okay. We are moving along in the process of looking for a new place to live, and had a good Easter and St. Patricks day. More pictures to come of green food later!


Laura said...

You two are brave souls to turn off the tv-I know I should but sometimes I just need my episodes of the office and gilmore girls. Maybe Cody and I will get inspired and follow your examples!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Yay for you two! We dumped our tv when we moved to az (we slip up every now and then, shhh) and we LOVE it! I'm not as good as you though, I don't walk instead, lol.

Mitchell4 said...

It was the only part of the season that I watched. Tiffany!! It's Becky (Anderson)Mitchell It's waaay past my bedtime but I had to leave a comment. I am totally stoked that I found you. You look great. You guys are too cool. Good job with the no TV. I should try it. It's usually on for the noise.

ryan morgan said...

TV rots your brain.. by not watching it your brains just might grow back;) but seriously, good for you! i seriously wonder about all the things i could have gotten done if i wasnt mindlessly watching the tube. nagh... i would probably just sit there and mindlessly stare at the wall.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Your blog background makes me hungry!