Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Life, The Universe, and Most Everything

So, yesterday, after falling victim to a mild episode of road rage when someone cut me off, and then some pedestrian cantered across the street at an inoppurtune moment, and being confronted with horrible customer service at the grocery store(one of my pet peeves) I was in a horrible mood. After I took a deep breath, and counted to ten, and had a good discussion with my lovely wife, I realized I had life pretty good. (Okay so it was a coupla hours till I calmed down, but still. ) I have a beautiful wife brimming with pulchritude. (It's my new word of the day...look it up. :) )We have sufficient to meet our needs. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what's important.

We are looking forward to change that the Spirit whispers it is time for like moving into a house, me switching careers to follow my dreams, all kinds of new and exciting things that come with that like revisiting adoption or other options once we have a child suitable place to live other than our mid range ghetto aprtment, and all kinds of stuff that we don't even know yet. So, to the crazy world who for many things makes we want to scream at the radio when I listen to the news, do your worst! Life is still okay.


A new Flight Attendant, said...

Okay, so I had to look up the definition of purchlitude and since I don't have a dictionary, I tried to google it. Your blog was the only thing that came up! lol, how cool is that. So, um, what does it mean ;)

Bob said...

Okay, so I can't type. The word is pulchritude. It means beauty, especially of a woman.

Tammy said...

beauty. that is tiffy. life is good.

ryan morgan said...

try being 28 still living at home;)